Allium, Phlox, Raven Gold, Spiderwort, Apricot Nectar, Self-Expression, Cedar.
Living at the heart of a six-pointed star, the Communicator is an electric lady, monitoring messages from heaven and earth through her mind and body. She loves the tingling sensation of connection, that union with spirit that quickens her flesh and ignites new thought and feeling within her. First, she grounds the fiery sparks of insight within her own body. When the sparks mature, she lets them arc beyond her into the fertile ground near our feet. The Communicator’s realm extends far beyond words. She listens to us, speaking through her heart with focused compassion and empathy; her hands communicating beauty through music, art, and everyday tasks. Always, she honors and respects the power of her words, both silent and spoken, as they shape the worlds in and around us.