Rio Samba
Relationship: Grandmother and all her offspring
Archetype: The Wild Child
Second Chakra: Creativity, fertility, autonomy, relationships and boundaries, fertility, holding on, letting go.
Rio Samba loosens the paralyzing guilt and self-criticism that blocks our joy in living. If we become complacent and compromise our soul purpose, Life may sting us into action. By reminding us of the magnificence of our potential and our true passions, Rio Samba calls us back to our destiny. Painful experiences elicit change. Love topples our status quo. Our inner ‘wild child’ hurtles us down new paths. As we ready ourselves for change, Rio Samba encourages us to drop our tattered safety nets and cross over the tightrope to our dreams. Abandoning familiar ground and shedding old identities, the wise grandmother living within our hearts holds us steadfastly in her loving arms.