Combination includes: Bergenia, Bridalwreath Spirea, Castor Bean, Chives, Hollyhock, Milkweed, Solomon’s Seal, Yellow Yarrow, Endocrine System, Circulatory System, Immunization Toxicity, Protection, Golden Cross.
Once we connect with Source, we can draw upon the elements in our environment that support our growth and life-purpose. The Integration essence helps us understand our varied experiences and gain a clearer sense of direction. By staying attentive to our path, we learn to be aware of our true needs integrating what is supportive and leaving the rest aside. Taking only what we need and can use wisely, we honor ourselves as we care for the environment.
Third chakra, solar plexus: self-definition; action in the world.
Issues of will, spontaneity, purpose, power and self-esteem.