Calendula, Clary Sage, Evening Primrose, Maple Tree, Annual Poppy, Yellow Lily, Immune System, Immunization Toxicity, Evolution, Stinging Nettle, White Climber, Cedar.
With the entire world as her library, the Wisdomkeeper reaches for what she needs in any moment, confident that perfect knowledge is available to her in any living form. She magnetically draws the wisdom out of its many places through its varied disguises. The source can be the words of a beloved friend or a street-person. Messages can reveal themselves in a television drama or be coaxed from an ancient redwood tree. The Wisdomkeeper listens fully, noticing and recording the information, then carefully she distills it to its essence and with a precise imagination, lets it find its natural expression through her in word, gesture, silent thought or simple action. Once the wisdom has served its purpose, she does not hoard it, but releases it to the wind with her thanks and blessing.