Envisioning the Future
Pink Lily, White Lily, Light Body, Articulation
Envisioning the Future supports feminine values that are completely in harmony with the energies of the natural world. Living sacredness is deeply rooted in beauty, sensuality, intimacy, and harmonious expressions of power. In that heightened yet natural state, everything in and around us is experienced as sacred, alive, full of wisdom’s vitality and the arbitrary divisions between sex and love, life and death, sacred and profane, war and peace easily dissolve. Connected to vital life-energies, Envisioning the Future fosters our natural expression and articulation of what is… what is alive, what is present, and what is forming. With that enlivened, ever-changing awareness, we have little desire to impose anything false or arbitrary upon the emerging Mystery. Instead, all our energies are engaged in participation and mutual reciprocal fulfilment, as human beings with all Creation.