The Surround: #5 in Birth of the Wild Heart Kit
In the womb, the time of birth approaches. With a fullness of self, the being fills the space and presses against the walls of its confines. In the adult parallel experience, complete within the current setting, the project moves toward its birth.
As a soul, we tremble at the vastness of the unknown ahead when the design of our wild heart is about to be revealed to us and the world. At this point, we hum with the intensity of life swelling within us. The surround provides a container of our full feminine presence. No longer are we in the swirling gathering phase or following a focused pathway. This time of tremendous inner pressure initiates the possibilities of liberation and new union. As we tremble on the cusp of our own delivery, the world waits ready to welcome us.Combination includes: Wayfaring Tree, Apricot Nectar, Stinging Nettle, Honeysuckle Tree.