Creating my own Flower Essence Combination
You do not need to be a professional dowser to enjoy accessing the entire Raven Essence repertoire. Many people already access the system through muscle-testing or the use of a pendulum for daily wisdom tips without ever purchasing an essence!
During these increasingly unstable times, consciously working with Nature’s frequencies in a wide variety of ways is proving to be both supportive and transformational for many people. As subtle ‘medicine’ for our body-souls, the Raven Essences can gently loosen old emotional patterns, witness our soul gifts and stabilize our creative momentum. These attributes are particularly vital during intensely challenging transitions.
For $50 (plus shipping), you can create your own flower essence combination by simply following these four steps.
- Create a clear intention;
- Test for the resonant essences (maximum of 15 essences);
- Test for the number of drops (no more than 12 drops per essence);
- Identify (through testing) the ‘key’ essence in the formula.
When you email me your intention and formula for the combination, I will create a one-ounce bottle and ship it to you, along with a printout of the essences and your intention.
Note: You can intuitively test for the essences through the three sections in the R.E. shop (Single Flowers, Kits and Practitioner Essences) or you can download the entire list of essences via this link: