Combination includes: Aubrieta, Cranesbill, Lobelia, Nasturtium, Pink Yarrow, Zebra Mallow, Raven Yellow, Raven Blue, Alzheimers, Protection.
At different stages of our lives we must yield to the will of Source. These times can mark the end of a cycle, even the completion of our life-journey. As the tip of truth’s sword hovers over us, the Evolution essence protects us during the transforming winter of our life-journey. In the presence of the divine, only our most simple, open-hearted presence is required. With humility, we stand in the mystery and yield to the process of complete emptying, completely assured that all is well.
Ninth chakra: the place of mystery taking form, self-knowledge within the context of universal energies; the soul’s purpose on earth linked with universal cycles.
Issues of being locked in a linear perception of time; not seeing the big picture.